Over the Garden Wall
2024. Based on Lorna's costume in the animated miniseries Over the Garden Wall. Book purchased from QuarterPress. Costume by Amelia Smith. Photos taken by Amelia Smith and edited by me.
2024. Photos taken by Brooke Dennis and edited by me. Taken at Leslie's Retreat Park in Salem, MA. Featuring Amelia Smith as Orpheus, Diana Dunlap as Hades, and me as Hermes.
2021. Based on Eurydice's costume in the Broadway/touring production of Anais Mitchell's musical.
Carmen Sandiego
2021. Based on the 2019 Netflix series. Featuring my friend Amelia Smith as Ivy. Being Massachusetts residents, we love the fact that Carmen's sidekicks are from Boston, with a whole episode taking place there. The opportunity to do a photo shoot of the characters in Boston was too good to ignore!
2021-2023. Based on Katherine's costumes in the Broadway/touring production.
Wonder Woman
2017-2018. Based on the movie directed by Patty Jenkins. Costume pieces and props bought from various vendors. Pictures and some editing by Rachel Thomas, some additional editing by me. Taken at Lynch Park in Beverly, MA, and Gordon College in Wenham, MA.